Все сноуборды и лыжи в одном каталоге
Технология CamRock компании Yes сезона 2010/2011


Camrock is a unique combination of camber and rocker strategically designed and placed to enhance your riding on a daily basis. Camrock balances regular camber between the bindings to give you the edge hold you need in all conditions while the slight reverse camber in the tip and tail will give you effortless float in the pow. Camrock doesn't hook up in the Park and Flat and is easier riding switch. CamRock improves almost everything about snowboarding. It does everything a camber board does but it does it better. Why compromise? Fact is Camrock rocks! Will Camrock make you a better person? Probably not, but it will make you a better rider.

Все технологии Yes коллекции 2010/2011


Весовой прогиб

  • CamRock



