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Directional all-terrain vehicle

Сноуборд Capita The Quiver Killers 2009/2010

Для кого: МужскойНазначение: All mountainФорма: Направленная

Нет в продаже

Внешний вид

Сноуборд Capita The Quiver Killers 2009/2010 153 Сноуборд Capita The Quiver Killers 2009/2010 155 Сноуборд Capita The Quiver Killers 2009/2010 157 Сноуборд Capita The Quiver Killers 2009/2010 159 Сноуборд Capita The Quiver Killers 2009/2010 161


талия: 250 mm


талия: 253 mm


талия: 255 mm


талия: 257 mm


талия: 259 mm
Описание производителя

Описание производителя

STORY In a time of chaos, a pantheon rose from the deep abyss. Blackened sorcerers summoned creatures from parallel worlds as grisly warriors stalked the peaks above. Mortals faced fatigue, famine, and mountainsides insurmountable without the weaponry of warlocks. Those weapons cut deep through the frozen slopes and slashed snow into the loin cloths of any warrior who stood in the way. The mystical weaponry was feared by man and god alike, emancipating the ways of the Quiver Killers. CREATION THEORY With the recent reverse camber craze, many shredders are sharing lustful thoughts of a personal board quiver. If money really grew on trees, we'd all have a closet full of snowboards, each with different shapes to address that particular day's riding style. Unfortunately that's not reality for most of us, and luckily, now it's not a necessity. If you ride everything and can only get one board this year, the CAPiTA Quiver Killer is for you. Hailed as the #3 half pipe board in the world and 2x Transworld Top Five Pipe Good Wood award winner, the Quiver Killer needs no warm up period. Comfortable and stable out of the box while still quick edge to edge, these boards can handle anything the mountain can dish out. And, with a price tag hundreds of dollars less than it's Good Wood peers, these boards are undeniably the best high performance product for the price, industry wide.

Размеры и параметры

Размеры и параметры

Ростовка, см 153 155 157 159 161
Длина, мм 1530 1550 1570 1590 1610
Эффективная длина, мм 1159 1184 1197 1213 1226
Ширина носа, мм 296 299 300 300 305
Ширина талии, мм 250 253 255 257 259
Ширина хвоста, мм 296 299 300 300 305
Радиус выреза, мм 7600 7700 7900 8000 8200
Ширина стойки, мм 489 515 515 515 489
Сдвиг закаладных, мм 12 12 12 12 12
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