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Сноуборд Völkl Coal BX Race 2011/2012

Для кого: МужскойНазначение: RaceФорма: НаправленнаяВесовой прогиб: ТрадиционныйМатериал скользяка: SinteredКонвекс: НетЖёсткость по коллекции: мягк. ○○○○ жёст. Индекс жёсткости производителя: 9

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Сноуборд Völkl Coal BX Race 2011/2012


талия: 256 mm
Описание производителя

Описание производителя

Life waits for no man, and the Coal XT lives by this motto. Speed is its passion: thanks to a significantly longer effective edge, the combination of Pin-Tail Shape and Pro Camber with its Nose Rocker provides perfect grip while performing speedy maneuvers – it rides like it's on rails. Special inlays (Smart Torsion Inlay) that are inserted below the Anti-Vibrations-System increase the stability of the board at high speed. The Völkl Race Lab did a great job with this freeride stick and even developed a whole new sidewall construction: the Racewall is made of a specific base material and can be waxed according to the temperature of the snow. The result? Less friction, more speed. Boardercross addicts will love the limited RACE EDITION with its shortened nose and tail, as well as additional carbon inlays; that's the stuff the pros ride!

Размеры и параметры

Размеры и параметры

Ростовка, см 159
Длина, мм 1590
Эффективная длина, мм 1435
Ширина носа, мм 307
Ширина талии, мм 256
Ширина хвоста, мм 288
Радиус выреза, мм 12580
Ширина стойки, мм 510-630
Вес райдера, кг 70-
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